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hioki>>전력분석계>> 3197
Catch power quality problems on the fly
제품명전력 품질 분석계
≫ Overview
• Single-phase 2-wire/single-phase 3-wire/three-phase 3-wire/three-phase 4-wire
• Catch power quality problems on the fly, before they catch you
• Record measurement data on internal memory for easy transfer to a PC via USB
• Analyze measurement data on a bundled PC aplication software
• Single-phase 2-wire/single-phase 3-wire/three-phase 3-wire/three-phase 4-wire
• Catch power quality problems on the fly, before they catch you
• Record measurement data on internal memory for easy transfer to a PC via USB
• Analyze measurement data on a bundled PC aplication software
≫ Specifications