고객님께 적합하고 효율적인 최선의 솔루션을 제안하겠습니다.
Portable design
제품명 저항계
제품분류회로소자 측정기
≫ Overview
• Basic accuracy: 0.02%, Max. resolution: 0.1 μΩ, 1A max. testing current
• Measure from 0.0 µΩ (testing current 1 A) to 3.5 MΩ
• Easily record up to 1,000 data points in memory simply by applying the instrument’s probes.
• Smoothly capture temperature-rise test data using interval measurement.
• Portable design is ideal for maintenance and testing of large equipment.
• Basic accuracy: 0.02%, Max. resolution: 0.1 μΩ, 1A max. testing current
• Measure from 0.0 µΩ (testing current 1 A) to 3.5 MΩ
• Easily record up to 1,000 data points in memory simply by applying the instrument’s probes.
• Smoothly capture temperature-rise test data using interval measurement.
• Portable design is ideal for maintenance and testing of large equipment.
≫ Specifications