고객님께 적합하고 효율적인 최선의 솔루션을 제안하겠습니다.
제품명온도 로거
≫ Overview
• Easily mount the light-weight , pocket-sized loggers in tight spaces
• Easy-to-see dual display
• Transfer data to PC even during recording
• Replace batteries while recording (30 second limit)
• 3 times the memory capacity than predecessor (Record 60,000 data per channel)
• Record without missing fluctuations in STAT mode
• Measurement data is preserved even after the battery dies
• Worry-free backup preserves recorded data even if a new measurement is started by mistake
• Easily mount the light-weight , pocket-sized loggers in tight spaces
• Easy-to-see dual display
• Transfer data to PC even during recording
• Replace batteries while recording (30 second limit)
• 3 times the memory capacity than predecessor (Record 60,000 data per channel)
• Record without missing fluctuations in STAT mode
• Measurement data is preserved even after the battery dies
• Worry-free backup preserves recorded data even if a new measurement is started by mistake
≫ Specifications