고객님께 적합하고 효율적인 최선의 솔루션을 제안하겠습니다.
hioki>>ClampMeter>> 3283
클램프온 리크하이테스터
제품번호 3283
제품명클램프온 리크하이테스터
≫ Overview
• Measure leakage current with absolute certainty using highly sensitive 10 μA resolution (at 10.00 mA range)
• Display 50/60 Hz leak current components using filtering function
• Monitor the leak current condition in combination with a Hioki Memory HiCorder (using monitor output)
• Measure leakage current with absolute certainty using highly sensitive 10 μA resolution (at 10.00 mA range)
• Display 50/60 Hz leak current components using filtering function
• Monitor the leak current condition in combination with a Hioki Memory HiCorder (using monitor output)
≫ Specifications