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hioki>>전력분석계>> 3286-20
Measure single-phase 600kW lines and up to the 20th harmonic level
제품명클램프 온 파워 하이테스터
≫ Overview
• Measure single-phase 600kW lines and up to the 20th harmonic level
• Active/ reactive/ apparent power, Power factor, Phase detection, Frequency, Harmonic waveform value, or Waveform peak value
• Simple checking of three-phase lines (balanced with no distortion)
• Measure single-phase 600kW lines and up to the 20th harmonic level
• Active/ reactive/ apparent power, Power factor, Phase detection, Frequency, Harmonic waveform value, or Waveform peak value
• Simple checking of three-phase lines (balanced with no distortion)
≫ Specifications